Nagging Questions

Every view of reality is based on presuppositions that are incapable of proof. These assumptions leave us with questions that cannot be answered. Materialists and agnostics usually assume that they "hold the default position and put the burden of proof on theists who maintain the existence of a God who cannot be seen".1 However, atheism and agnosticism also confront unanswerable questions:

On the other hand, Christian theists are challenged to make sense of the reality of pain and suffering that defies explanation. However, Christians believe that God has "skin in the game" by having entered into human life in the person of Jesus, who suffered crucifixion for us. While acknowledging and experiencing the reality of evil and suffering, Christians trust that God has a purpose for suffering that is beyond our present understanding. (See Why Does God Permit Evil and Suffering? for some thoughts about this question.)



1I attribute this wording to J. Warner Wallace from his talks presented on his website

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