Has God Really Communicated With Humanity?

Once the existence of a Supreme Intelligence is accepted, the possibility of divine communication with humanity is not illogical or irrational. The late Christian philosopher and apologist, Francis Schaeffer stated a case for divine revelation1, which I summarize in my own words here:

  1. The Supreme Intelligence, given any process or amount of time, created the universe, the earth, and human beings.
  2. Humans are "language-communicating" beings.
  3. As the creator of the human brain with its language capability, the Supreme Intelligence could certainly communicate to the Supreme Intelligence's language-bearing creatures in verbalized form.
  4. Therefore, the Supreme Intelligence could communicate some truths about the Supreme Intelligence's nature and purpose in relation to humanity.

That God revealed himself in the context of the ancient world is not problematic, because if God would speak to all humanity in all eras, God must speak in terms understandable to people down through the centuries, both educated and uneducated. Furthermore, in spite of technological, scientific, cultural, and political achievements, human nature has remained basically the same through the centuries.

For an extended discussion of this topic see The Possibility of Revelation: Has God Communicated with Humanity?



1Francis Schaeffer, He is There and He is Not Silent, Tyndale House Publishers, 1972 p. 91.

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