A Noted Atheist Changes His Mind

A few years ago the well-known atheist philosopher, Anthony Flew wrote There is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind, Harper One: New York, 2007. Reviewer R.C. Sproul summarizes Flew's thought as follows:

"In his pilgrimage, Flew encountered three questions that would not go away and for which he found no satisfying answer from the realm of materialism or naturalism. These three questions are first of all: How did the laws of nature come to be? Second, how did life originate from non-life? And third, how did the universe come into being? He explores the question of who wrote the laws of nature. There are those who argue that the laws of nature are merely convenient forms that human investigators impose on nature, that nature's facts are brute facts and mute facts, and have no inherent design. Design is something that is merely projected upon nature from the thinking of the scientist. In this case, Flew argues that the atheists accept the laws of nature simply by faith, and he [Flew] pursues the point that these laws are not something that are the result of cultural creation, but rather the discovery of something that exists within nature itself. Newton did not invent the law of gravity or impose a principle of gravity on the natural world; rather, he discovered it as an external reality."

(To view a short interview with Anthony Flew on You Tube, see Antony Flew Interview.)